KICK-PASS-CATCH: Footy as easy as 1-2-3
A CENTER shows mastery in the essential skills and can perform advanced skills of Australian football
1. KICK (Punt)
a. Can correctly kick a drop punt to a stationary coach 20 meters (60 feet) away.
b. Kick the ball 10 meters (30 feet) with their non-preferred foot.
2. PASS (hand pass or punch)
a. Can correctly hand ball to a stationary coach 2 meters (6 feet) away with both hands.
b. Can hand ball to a coach 10 meters (30 feet) away.
3. CATCH (Mark)
a. Can lead to and catch a kick from a coach standing 30 meters (90 feet) away.
b. Can leap onto a dummy and catch a toss from a coach standing 2 meters (6 feet) away.